is the internet presence of K.A.P. - Kunstverein auf dem Prenzlauer Berg e.V.
The following pages have not (not yet?) been translated, but, which is most important, you will easily find your way to the artists and their works
Kunstverein auf dem Prenzlauer Berg e.V.
to general websites on art

Varda Getzow, Carla Guagliardi, Ruth Handschin, Thomas Kleine, OLaf Nicolai, Julian Opie, Christoph Radke, Cornelia Schleime, Nicolaus Schmidt, Hein Spellmann, Pat Binder, Christian Hasucha, Miguel Rothschild, Adrian Sauer, Jan Schmidt, Felice Varini, Ilka Vogler, Ralf Weißleder

Berlin / index english